
Explore exclusive, confidential profiles tailored for seasoned Senior Professionals

HireToDo offers a solution to the most annoying part of employment - finding a problem-solver.

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Thousands Of Successful Projects In JUST 4 Steps.

Here is how we bridge the gap between customers and pros. The steps below are for customers, the pros take similar steps to get started.

Get started

Open an account in seconds.

Start a project

Tell us what you need help with.


Chat with a pro and get an upfront price.

Get it done!

Hire a pro, get it done, laugh it off.

Never stress the small things

Small problems can ruin the moment, it should never ruin your day! Sometimes all you need is some magic from a professional, who will give the services that are tailored for your needs.

  • Fast Communication

    As soon as you post a project, you will be contacted by pros, and you can make use of the integrated live chat system.

  • Anonymous
    “initial stage” Hiring

    The pros are able to showcase themselves through an anonymous profile. We guarantee that the info presented is checked and vetted!

Anonymous hiring Fast communication

Pricing should not be complicated

Some companies make pricing too complicated with upfront fees, paid “free trials”, and false “freebies” that have no value. The goal is not the money, the goal is to make the money worth it.

  • Upfront

    We make sure that pricing is transparent, because employers have budgets to work with. Feel free to compare pricing, pros and cons. The decision is up to you!

  • You Pay
    When You Hire

    We don’t focus on funds unless we solve a problem. We never want anyone to invest time and money into our project for a “maybe”, so just like one gets paid based on results, we do the same as well.

Up front prices payment

Equal Opportunities

In some jobbing websites, the inexperienced get more jobs than the ones who know what they are doing. That is not fair, and every worker must get the chance according to their skills

  • Vetted

    We work by skills, and not popularity. This is not highschool anymore, we have capable pros to solve any problem they face in their field.

  • Honest

    Some requests may be impossible or separate projects by themselves; we'll communicate clearly to avoid any confusion.

Pending contracts Projects Post Job

Popular Services

Here Is What We Offer

Our vision is to cover any IT and Tech related service, at any time. Explore what services we can help out with, and remember, it will keep expanding, since demand is unlimited.

Cloud Services

Cloud computing services, including Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), Platform as a Service (PaaS), and Software as a Service (SaaS), are widely used for their scalability, flexibility, and cost-effectiveness. Major providers include Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud Platform (GCP).

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Cybersecurity Services

With the increasing frequency and sophistication of cyber threats, cybersecurity services have become crucial for businesses to protect their data and systems. This includes services such as threat detection, vulnerability assessments, penetration testing, and incident response.

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Managed IT Services

Many businesses opt to outsource their IT operations to third-party providers for cost savings, expertise, and resource efficiency. Managed IT services encompass a wide range of offerings, including network monitoring, data backup and recovery, helpdesk support, and IT consulting.

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Data Analytics and Business Intelligence (BI)

In today's data-driven world, organizations rely on data analytics and BI services to derive insights from large volumes of data and make informed decisions. These services often involve data warehousing, data visualization, predictive analytics, and data mining techniques.

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Internet of Things (IoT) Services

IoT services enable the connectivity and management of devices and sensors over the internet, allowing businesses to collect, analyze, and act on real-time data. These services are utilized in various industries, including manufacturing, healthcare, transportation, and smart cities.

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Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)

ERP services integrate core business processes such as finance, HR, supply chain management, and inventory control into a centralized system. These services streamline operations, improve efficiency, and facilitate data-driven decision-making across the organization.

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DevOps Services

DevOps practices aim to improve collaboration between development and IT operations teams, automate software development and deployment processes, and enhance the reliability and speed of software delivery. DevOps services include continuous integration/continuous deployment (CI/CD), containerization, and infrastructure automation.

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Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML)

AI and ML services are increasingly adopted to automate processes, enhance customer experiences, and gain competitive advantages. These services encompass natural language processing, image recognition, predictive analytics, and recommendation systems.

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Blockchain Solutions

Blockchain technology is used to create secure and transparent digital ledgers for various applications, including cryptocurrency transactions, supply chain management, digital identity verification, and smart contracts.

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What They Say About Us

Check out the testimonials of our customers and what they have to say

A great way to find great work!

I've always loved working with new companies! I came to the point that I needed to showcase my abilities online. I was so excited to stop getting calls and messages from people who were not interested in my services at all. When I signed up for HireToDo, I only saw people who were interested. In a week I've managed to work with a mobile app company who just launched! They were looking to experiment with new designs which gave me energy!

Lisa Hewitt
Technical Recruiter
Interior designer

Top-tier work!

I thought it was too good to be true. I could have not imagined a world without endless applications. CV’s and tests! It’s a painful cycle that I recommend skipping with HireToDo!

Emily Grace
Interior designer

Low price, high effort.

I had an idea for a community-type app for history nerds, but I had no idea how to make that happen! I found an app developer, who was interested in history as well. He knew more about the needs of the target audience.

Ben Mitchell
App Developer
App Developer

Underrated Service!

Nothing is better than hiring pros faster, without a separate HR department. HireToDo is our HR department that is just a click away! They do the vetting, and all we need to do is post offers and make great ideas shine!

Ally Diaz
Founder and CTO
testimonial author